Michael Hammes

Michael Hammes

Academy of Ancient Chinese Medicine, Germany


Michael Hammes received DAAD-grant for four-year studies of Chinese language and culture and postgraduate studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine at University of TCM in Beijing, China. Scientific Assistant at the Department of Sports Medicine of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität  Mainz, medical thesis on the influence of acupuncture on physical working capacity in humans, resident physician at the Department of Neurology of the Technische Universität München under the supervision of Prof. Conrad, maintenance of the Center for Pain Therapy, scientific publications on basic research and clinical application of acupuncture in pain therapy, publication of several reference books on acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, at present clinical work in integrative medicine as consultant neurologist in hospital and practice, since 1994 lecturer of the German Medical Acupuncture Association (DÄGfA), past member of DÄGfA board, member of ICMART board (International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques), member and delegate of DIN mirror committee to ISOTC-249 (provisional title: Traditional Chinese Medicine), member of chairman advisory group to ISO-TC-249, Co-convenor of Joint-Working-Group of ISO-TC-249 and ISO-TC-215, appointment as a visiting professor at First Teaching Hospital of University of TCM Tianjin, PR China on September 10th 2012 for a duration of five years.


Ancient Chinese Medicine understands the living body as a microcosm that forms a unity of physical and psychical processes. Acupuncture is an ideal tool to address disturbances that relates to the two aspects of human existence: the physical and the psychic or spiritual being. The ancient science of acupuncture has detected the helpful gates that assist in connecting with the underlying conflict of physical suffering. The presentation will teach the ancient skills of fostering healing processes within psychosomatic disturbances with the use of wisdom and acupuncture needles.