Ahmad Alkhatib

Ahmad Alkhatib

Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait


Ahmad Alkhatib is a leading expert in the field of Personalized Lifestyle, Bio-Nutraceuticals, Public Health and Sports Sciences. His current research focus is on preventing and managing diabetes and associated chronic diseases using innovative lifestyle prevention. Over the past 20 years, he led a distinguished career in the UK involving top academic positions, developing new research and academic programs and internationally, he transformed and led top sectors in epidemiology, public health and nutrition and, sports science. Amongst his prestigious awards, few are  Fellowship of the Royal Society of Medicine (FRSM); Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA); a Clinical Physiologist and Nutritionist (Registered Nutritionist and CISSN). He has over 100 publications at top scientific journals, including three books. 


Natural herbs have been promoted for healing effectiveness in chronic diseases, especially in the prevention of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. We developed novel methodologies and techniques in applying herbal ingestions as part of an individualized lifestyle. Our interventions combined with lifestyle approaches have shown effectiveness in prevention and management of lifestyle diseases, especially when relying on multipronged biochemical, physiological, behavioural and physical components. We also tested the effectiveness of specific herbal treatments in conjunction with lifestyle components that are based on the understanding of nutritional and exercise habits, individualized biochemistry profile and genetics. We developed a model for diabetes prevention and management using functional foods and lifestyle approaches and we further extended this model using natural nutraceuticals including herbs and monounsaturated fatty acids, rich in bio-phenols, which have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory functions responsible for preventing chronic diseases. Such approaches are based on extensive scientific rigour and help to effectively detect clinically meaningful differences. The effectiveness of combining bio-nutraceuticals with physical activity and other lifestyle components for targeted disease prevention remains a key to promoting health longevity and well-being.